Breast Augmentation
The form of the female breast is charged with both significance and sentiment. Of all womanly features, it is perhaps the most representative of feminine beauty and nurturing. Many women feel that the breasts given them by Nature do not fully realize the iconic and aesthetic possibilities of female breasts, and for this reason they seek augmentation. Others may wish to enhance their form so as to emphasize the feminine and/or alluring aspects of their personalities. Still other women may seek breast augmentation as a way of replacing volume lost after pregnancies or of making breasts that are naturally of significantly different sizes a more evenly-matched pair.
Breast Implants are silicone gel implants which are sealed in soft cases of FDA-approved silicone elastomer. The implants come in different sizes, and the decision about which size to use will be made following a consultation with Dr. Loving. Implants also come in different shapes. The most common shapes are round and anatomical. Round implants give the upper breast more overall roundness. Anatomical implants are tear-drop-shaped and give the breasts a full, gently sloping appearance. The implants are placed either directly under the breast tissue or else under the pectoralis muscle. Placement of the implants is important in determining the cleavage between the breasts and the outside curve of breasts. It is important for a patient to fully discuss her wishes concerning breast size and shape with Dr. Loving. She should also carefully consider the doctor’s recommendations based on his extensive experience with breast augmentation. The decisions about size, shape and placement of the implants and about which features of the breasts to emphasize will be made with the doctor after a careful evaluation of the patient’s other bodily dimensions, such as height, waist and hip size and breast tissue.
Women seeking breast augmentation must be in good overall health, as verified by their general practitioner. Breast augmentation is usually performed in the operating facility at Dr. Loving’s office under general anesthesia, though local anesthesia may be an option. The procedure takes one to two hours. Incision sites are variable, depending on the patient’s anatomy and wishes. They will be decided upon during the consultation with Dr. Loving and will be chosen according to where they will be least visible. Options include in the breast fold under the breast, around the nipple or under the arm. After making an incision, the doctor creates a pocket for the implant, which he then places and fills. The incision is closed with stitches and sometimes surgical tape, both of which are removed after a few days.
Care of the augmented breasts following surgery is usually simple, involving the use of a postoperative or sports bra and protection of the breasts from pressure. The breasts will be sore for several days after the operation, though
the pain is usually not severe, and pain medication may be used to control it. Most patients are able to return to work after a few days, though strenuous exercise should be avoided for a few weeks.
Special considerations
Many women are concerned about the effects of breast augmentation on nipple sensitivity, breast feeding and breast cancer. The FDA has published a summary of potential complications called Information for Women Considering Saline-Filled Breast Implants. This summary is available at Dr. Loving’s office or by calling 1-800-624-4261. According to this report, changes in breast and nipple sensitivity can increase or decrease after breast augmentation, though
breast-feeding is usually not impaired. The summary also states that at this time, following several scientific studies, there is no evidence that women with saline-filled implants are more susceptible to cancer than other women. To help women interested in breast augmentation to decide on size, shape and placement of implants, before and after pictures of augmentations performed by Dr. Loving are available for viewing in his office.
To request more information or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Loving, please call 212-472-0900.